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WTC2023 平行论坛 | 公路桥梁高效养护及安全耐久技术论坛
2023-06-07 来源:WTC2023 






  时间(Time):2023-06-15 08:30-12:00

  地点(Room):会议厅1-3(Room 1-3)




  Efficient Maintenance and Safety Durability Technology for Highway Bridges





  CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.


  National Engineering Research Center for Efficient Maintenance, Safety and Durability of Roads and Bridges


  CCCC Infrastructure Maintenance Group CO,LTD.



  张劲泉 交通部公路科学研究院 院长兼党委副书记

  Zhang Jinquan, Dean and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,China Academy of Transportation Science




  领导致辞 Leader's speech



  Innovative Technology for Construction , Operation and Maintenance of Long Span Arch Bridges

  报告人:周建庭 重庆交通大学 副校长

  Reporter:Zhou Jianting, Vice President,Chongqing Jiaotong University



  Research and Practice of Highway Bridge Rapid Replacement Technology

  报告人:朱世峰 公路与桥梁高效养护及安全耐久国家工程研究中心 正高级工程师;中交基础设施养护集团有限公司桥梁养护技术研发中心 常务副主任

  Reporter:Zhu Shifeng, Professorate Senior Engineer,National Engineering Research Center for Efficient Maintenance, Safety and Durability of Roads and Bridges;Executive Deputy Director ,CCCC Infrastructure Maintenance Group CO,LTD. Bridge Maintenance Technology R&D Center



  Research Progress of Highway Bridge Rapid Detection Technology

  报告人:黄璜 日本茨城大学工学部防灾保全教育中心 研究员

  Reporter:Huang Huang, Researcher,The Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Education



  Research on Bridge Intelligent Detection and Maintenance Technology

  报告人:韩永平 中交特种工程有限公司 副总工程师

  Reporter:Han Yongping, Assistant Chief Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.


  茶歇 Tea Break



  The Key Technology of Filling Sea-crossing Bridge-tunnel Connection Section-artificial Island Based on Dredged Sludge Flow-solidified Soil

  报告人:陈伟 中交特种工程有限公司 高级工程师

  Reporter:Chen Wei, Senior Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.



  Introduction to the Current Situation of Bridges in Costa Rica and Sharing of Experience in the Reinforcement Project of the Old Bridge on the Goss 32 # Highway

  报告人:陈进 中交基础设施养护集团有限公司桥梁养护技术研发中心 高级工程师

  Reporter:Chen Jin, Senior Engineer,CCCC Infrastructure Maintenance Group CO,LTD. Bridge Maintenance Technology R&D Center



  Erosion Protection and Treatment Technology of Old Bridge Pile Foundation

  报告人:周欢 中交特种工程有限公司 高级工程师

  Reporter:Zhou Huan, Senior Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.



  张劲泉 Zhang Jinquan

  交通部公路科学研究院 院长兼党委副书记

  Dean and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee,China Academy of Transportation Science


  【Introduction】Selected as a national talent project with millions of talents, a leading scientific and technological talent in the "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" of the central government, a young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions, and a transportation technology talent, enjoying special subsidies from the State Council government. For a long time, I have been engaged in research on bridge structure detection and diagnosis, maintenance and reinforcement, bridge structure monitoring and safety assessment, bridge durability, and other aspects. I have won 3 second prizes of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 3 special prizes of provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards, and 10 first prizes. I have published 13 monographs, published more than 30 papers, and obtained more than 10 invention patents.

  周建庭 Zhou Jianting

  重庆交通大学 副校长

  Vice President,Chongqing Jiaotong University


  【Introduction】Zhou Jianting (Zhejiang, China) currently serves as the Vice President of Chongqing Jiaotong University and the Director of the State Key Laboratory of Mountain Bridge and Tunnel Engineering. He has been recognized as the national outstanding professional and technical personnel and a Distinguished Professor of the Yangtze River Scholars. He has been awarded the National Outstanding Youth Fund from NSF and selected into the Ten Thousand Talents Program. He was awarded the National Outstanding Science and Technology Worker and served as the Vice Chairman of WTC Academic Council. His research focuses on the structural behavior and performance control of bridges in mountainous areas. He has been published 14 monographs and authorized 90 national invention patents. His research accomplishments have won three Second Prizes in the National Science and Technology Progress Awards (two first rankings and one-third ranking), and 13 Special and First Prizes in the Provincial Science and Technology Awards.

  黄璜 Huang Huang

  日本茨城大学工学部防灾保全教育中心 研究员

  Researcher,The Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Education


  【Introduction】Researcher at the Center for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Education, Faculty of Engineering, Ibaraki University, Japan. Holds a Bachelor's degree from Wuhan University of Technology and Master's and PhD degrees from Ibaraki University. Serves as a director of the Photonics Sensing Association of Japan, a member of the International Society for Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, and an editor of the American Concrete Institute Committee 444 on Structural Health Monitoring. Research interests include structural health monitoring technologies based on carbon fiber self-sensing and optical fiber sensing, and non-destructive testing technologies based on imaging and impact echo. Published more than 10 SCI journal papers and filed more than 10 invention patents. Has contributed to one Chinese monograph and two industry and local standards.

  韩永平 Han Yongping

  中交特种工程有限公司 副总工程师

  Assistant Chief Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.


  【Introduction】He has been engaged in the inspection, maintenance and operation management of transportation infrastructure for a long time. He has organized and implemented the inspection and maintenance of many highways in Hubei, Anhui, Guangdong Sichuan,and highways in some other countries, as well as the maintenance of several super-large Bridges, such as Junshan Yangtze River Bridge, Huangpu Bridge, Guozigou Bridge, Maanshan Yangtze River Bridge and the operation and maintenance of urban complex. Presided over and participated in a number of research topics, participated in the compilation of a number of industry and group standards, published more than 10 papers, obtained 19 patents, won the second prize of scientific and technological progress awards of CHCA, CCCC.

  朱世峰 Zhu Shifeng

  公路与桥梁高效养护及安全耐久国家工程研究中心 正高级工程师;中交基础设施养护集团有限公司桥梁养护技术研发中心 常务副主任

  Professorate Senior Engineer,National Engineering Research Center for Efficient Maintenance, Safety and Durability of Roads and Bridges;Executive Deputy Director ,CCCC Infrastructure Maintenance Group CO,LTD. Bridge Maintenance Technology R&D Center


  【Introduction】Ph.D., professorate senior engineer, part-time master's supervisor in Chongqing Jiaotong University, top-notch young talents in the "Ten Thousand Talents Program" for engineering construction, and experimental testing engineer. Mainly engaged in technical research and engineering practice of bridge maintenance (detection & monitoring, vibration control and fast removal and construction of bridge), relying on engineering production projects, he has presided over or participated in more than twenty scientific research projects including three national-level projects, won more than 10 provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological progress awards (including guild and industry associations), authorized more than twenty patents, participated in five standards, and wrote and published more than thirty high-quality journal papers.

  陈进 Chen Jin

  中交基础设施养护集团有限公司桥梁养护技术研发中心 高级工程师

  Senior Engineer,CCCC Infrastructure Maintenance Group CO,LTD. Bridge Maintenance Technology R&D Center

  【专家简介】长期从事桥梁检测、加固设计、科技研发、加固施工现场管理等工作,先后参加了南京长江大桥引桥加固项目、哥斯达黎加32号公路旧桥加固项目。主持和参与了多项研究课题,荣获省部级科技进步奖3项、省部级工法3项、发明专利6 项、实用新型专利12 项。

  【Introduction】He has been engaged in bridge inspection, reinforcement design, scientific and technological research and development, and reinforcement construction site management for a long time. He has participated in the reinforcement project of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge approach bridge and Costa Rica Highway 32 old bridge. He presided over and participated in a number of research projects, and won 3 provincial science and technology progress awards, 3 provincial engineering methods, 6 invention patents and 12 utility model patents.

  陈伟 Chen Wei

  中交特种工程有限公司 高级工程师

  Senior Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.

  【专家简介】主要从事道路工程、水环境治理和固废资源化处置的相关材料及其应用技术研发、施工等工作,先后担任大连湾跨海工程人工岛淤泥固化试验项目、西安灞河两岸提升改造工程一期清淤工程、孝感市公路桥梁三年消危行动EPC项目、G346 广水市长岭高架桥独柱墩加固工程等项目总工,主持/参与厅级科技项目5项,获省部级科技奖4项,发明专利奖1项,已发表中文核心论文9篇(EI收录5篇),已授权发明专利8项,参与编写著作1本。

  【Introduction】Mainly engaged in road engineering, water environment management and solid waste resource treatment related materials and application technology research and development, construction, etc. He successively served as the chief engineer of the artificial island silt solidification test project of Dalian Bay cross-sea Engineering, the silt Removal Project of the first phase of the Ba River Bank Improvement Project in Xi 'an, the three-year Crisis Reduction Action EPC project of Xiaogan Highway Bridge, and the G346 Guangshui Changling Viaduct Single pillar Pier Reinforcement Project. The scientific research achievements he presided over/participated in won 4 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards and 1 invention Patent Award. I have published 9 Chinese core papers (5 included in EI), 8 authorized invention patents, and participated in the compilation of 1 book.

  周欢 Zhou Huan

  中交特种工程有限公司 高级工程师

  Senior Engineer,CCCC Special Engineering Technology Co., LTD.


  【Introduction】He has been engaged in geotechnical engineering investigation, soft soil foundation treatment, foundation reinforcement of scientific research, design, construction. He presided over and participated “Research and application of refine dynamic and static coupling drainageconsolidation technology on heterogeneous hydraulic reclamation site”, “Key Technology and Application of Adding Pile Foundation Reinforcementfor Operating Bridges”, “Research on scour protection and Diagnosis Technology of old bridge pile foundation” and other major topics. He participated in the compilation of more than 10 works, standards and construction methods of foundation treatment and reinforcement . He has published more than 10 papers, 5 patents, and won 3 provincial and ministerial awards.


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