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 Britain could be linked with America by road as part of an ambitious project to create the worlds longest superhighway spanning half the circumference of the globe。从英国到美国有望建成世界上最长的、相当于绕地球半周的高速公路,这将是一项伟大的计划。

 Proposals have been put forward to build the mega route stretching about 12,400 miles from the western edge of Russia to the Bering Strait where the country nudges Alaska。该项计划在提案中提出,这条公路从俄罗斯的最西部到白令海峡再与美国的阿拉斯加相连,全程长约12400英里(约19956千米)。

 Linking into existing road networks in Europe and Asia, for the first time it would allow travellers a proper highway to drive all way from the UK to the United States。这不仅能够将欧洲和亚洲现有的公路网络连接在一起,而且首次为旅游爱好者们提供了驾车从英国到美国的机会。

 This new scheme is seen as a way of turning Russia into a global transportation hub, a bridge between Europe, Asia and North America, so revitalising the Russian economy and attracting new tourism。这项新计划能够将俄罗斯打造为全球交通枢纽,成为连接欧洲、亚洲和北美洲的桥梁,这对俄罗斯的经济和旅游业都大有裨益。

 Vladimir Fortov, the Head of the Russian Academy of Science, recently put forward the uncosted plan dubbed the Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEPR) to President Vladimir Putin。俄罗斯科学院院长弗拉基米尔•福尔托夫最近向俄总统普京递交了这份被称为横跨欧亚大陆带发展计划的提案。

 The project is very ambitious and expensive, but it will solve many problems in the development of the vast region, he said, according to The Siberian Times. 他说:“这项计划非常宏伟,也非常费钱,但它能解决地域辽阔的大国在发展中面临的很多问题。”

 The current longest continuous road in the world is found in Australia, where Highway 1 runs around the entire country and spans some 9,000 miles。目前世界上最长的公路是澳大利亚的1号公路,它环绕整个澳大利亚一周,长度达9000英里(约14484千米)。

 In Russia the Trans-Siberian Highway network is more than 6,800 miles long, meaning the new road would become the biggest and longest ever built, with additional sections in the west and east。俄罗斯境内的西伯利亚铁路有6800多英里长(约10943千米),如果再加上向东、向西额外联结的部分,这意味着新建成的高速公路将会成为世界上大最长的高速公路。

 Using tunnels or ferries from England the continent, and Russia to the US, a driver could use the highway to travel from Britain to the US for the first time。通过隧道或渡船将英国、俄罗斯和美国相连,人们便可以从英国一路开车到美国。

 Its development is viewed as a powerful and versatile corridor that would allow massive investment and the construction of pipelines for oil and gas, the laying of facilities for electricity and water supplies and the opportunity for new cities to be created。这条高速公路被视为一条有力的、多功能的通道,它不仅能够吸引油气管道、电力和水资源供应等方面的投资和建设,还能为发展新的城市创造机会。

 The team behind the project say they estimate it will require trillions of dollars but insist its economic benefits would far outweigh any cost。该计划背后的团队称他们预计该计划将会耗资数万亿美元,但他们同时也坚持认为计划所带来的收益将会远远高于投资的金额。

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